Having won the Uquo Field in what was widely hailed as one of the most competitive and transparent oil field licensing rounds in Nigeria, Frontier Oil (FOL) approached its development in a professional manner that points a clear path to sustainable growth and appreciable benefits for all stakeholders.

The Journey So Far
FOL has embarked on the next phase of crude oil development in the Uquo Field with a drilling campaign underway for 3 to 4 new wells, flowlines and a 10,000bopd Crude Oil Processing Plant.
Achieved Fifteen (15) Million Man-Hours Lost Time Injury Free (LTI-free) in June 2021.
FOL transferred its operatorship of the Uquo Central Processing Facility and FUN Group Manifold to another JV member-in accordance with terms of the Uquo and the FUN Group Joint Operating Agreements.
FOL re-entered, completed and started production from well Uquo-9 oil well in April 2020.
FOL re-processed and re-interpreted the seismic data acquired in 2007 to identify and re-appraise the prospects in the Uquo Field.
2017 – 2019
A re-alignment of interests in the Uquo Field took place with FOL taking control of 100% of Crude Oil resources/production and our JV partner 100% of Natural Gas resources/production.
Achieved Thirteen (13) Million Man-Hours Lost Time Injury Free (LTI-free) in December 2018.
DPR approved the increase of Uquo Field boundary to include straddle fields thereby increasing reserves and resources.
2013 – 2015
Re-entered/drilled and completed two (2) new gas wells -well Uquo-7, well Uquo-8; worked over 2 existing wells-well Uquo-4 (gas), well Uquo-3(oil). Commercial production started from the gas wells in Q1/2014 and the oil well in Q1/2015.
FOL conducted additional exploration and appraisal drilling of the North East block of the Uquo Field in 2015 and discovered additional oil and gas reserves in well Uquo-9.
Achieved Ten (10) Million Man-Hours Lost Time Injury Free (LTI-free) in September 2015.
The Uquo Project was commissioned by the President of Nigeria, His Excellency, Goodluck E. Jonathan in August 2014.
2009 – 2012
Pioneered the development of stranded marginal non-associated gas (NAG) fields in Nigeria, by rolling out the largest green-field gas to power project in sub-Saharan Africa.
Completed and commissioned the Uquo Central Processing Facility in December 2012, with the capacity to produce 200MMscf/d of associated and non-associated gas and 2,000bopd of crude oil and condensate. FOL was pioneer Operator of the Uquo CPF.
Re-entered and completed well Uquo-2 as a gas producer.
Drilled 2 new wells and discovered crude oil in well Uquo-5 & natural gas in well Uquo-6.
2006 – 2007
FOL formed an un-incorporated Joint Venture with Gulf of Guinea Energy (GOGE which later merged with Seven Energy).
FOL became the first indigenous operator from the class of 2003 Marginal Field awardees to conduct a 3-D seismic campaign larger than 200sq km which identified many new prospects and significantly increased the Uquo Field’s gas prospects.
FOL participated in the Federal Government of Nigeria Marginal Field programme and won the 100% interest in the Uquo Field located within OML 13, onshore Akwa Ibom state. FOL is the Operator of the Uquo Field.
FOL was formed as a 100% indigenous; Nigeria focused oil and gas Exploration and Production Company.